Constructs an Expected with value or error based on the tye of the provided.
Assigns a value or error to an Expected.
Implicit conversion to bool.
Checks whether this Expected object contains a specific expected value.
Checks whether this Expected object and rhs contain the same expected value or error value.
Range interface defined by empty, front, popFront. Yields one value if Expected has value.
Range interface defined by empty, front, popFront. Yields one value if Expected has value.
Returns the error value. May only be called when hasValue returns false.
Range interface defined by empty, front, popFront. Yields one value if Expected has value.
Checks if Expected has error
Checks if Expected has value
Returns the expected value if there is one.
Expected!(T, E) is a type that represents either success or failure.
Type T is used for success value. If T is void, then Expected can only hold error value and is considered a success when there is no error value.
Type E is used for error value. The default type for the error value is string.
Default behavior of Expected can be modified by the Hook template parameter.